Disclaimer for Nutrition Information and Recipes

The Site may include nutrition estimates and related dietary information. We provide this information on the Site solely for informational and/or entertainment purposes. We make no warranties as to the accuracy of the information provided. Any information is not and should not be treated as United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food labels. Any information and content on this Site does not and should not be considered to represent claims evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), certified nutritionists, or medical professionals. Consult a certified nutritionist, physician, or medical professional for any dietary and nutritional recommendations and before making any changes to your diet. Your health is your responsibility. 

You are solely and fully responsible for any actions you take and any consequences resulting from them. Anything you do is done at your own risk. This includes anything that may occur or be alleged to occur as a result of reading, referencing, and/or interpreting any information, content, and/or materials on this Site. We are not responsible for and do not assume any obligation for any liability, loss, accident, reaction, injury, or damage, caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of any information available on the Site.  

We make no warranties about the outcome of any recipe.