What do you do for fun?


What are some of your favorite cookbooks?

Jacques Pépin New Complete Techniques -- Jacques Pépin
The Professional Chef -- The Culinary Institute of America
Salt Fat Acid Heat -- Samin Nosrat
The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science -- J. Kenji López-Alt

These four books are fundamental texts that will help anyone reach a higher level of culinary technique and artistry.

Do you watch YouTube?

Yes, I find it is an entertaining depository of videos, including those humorous and informational. 

Channels that we enjoy include: Wang Gang, Gordon Ramsay, Eater, Munchies, Terry Films, MianYang LiaoLi, Liziqi, and Japanese Breakfast

Do you entertain much?

We try to have friends over once or twice a week. We spend much of the time standing in the kitchen, just like work. It’s fun.


I have a question about a specific recipe. What is the best way to have it answered?

Post your question in the Comments section below the recipe. However, due to the high volume of communications that we receive, we may or may not be able to reply in a timely manner.

Do you have a cookbook?

It is in the works!

I made your food, and it tasted like $**T. What happened, and why?

We are sorry to hear that. Your unsatisfactory meal could have been the result of a number of factors, all of which are out of our control. I know firsthand about such unexpected hiccups in the kitchen, having recently eaten a peanut from a factory-sealed jar of crunchy peanut butter that tasted like cow manure. My peanut butter-apple snack was ruined, so I understand your search for answers.

We take recipe development very seriously and test everything multiple times for flavor, balance, nutrition, and fun. Remember that the quality of ingredients affects that of a dish and that practicing good technique will help you reproduce the recipes on Our American Cuisine just like we like them: Better than a restaurant!


Can I use your writing, recipes, posts, and/or photos on my own website or blog?

No. All content on Our American Cuisine is copyrighted material. We do not allow republication of any kind. There are no exceptions. We encourage you, however, to share direct links to our website and interact with us on social media. If you cook one of our recipes and photograph it, then feel free to post your image, making sure to link and reference our website.

Can I share your photos on social media?

You can only share photos from Our American Cuisine on social media to promote recipes, writings, and posts on Our American Cuisine. You must include a link to the website. As stated above, you cannot republish anything from this website. 

Can I use your photos to promote other products, goods, websites, and/or services?

No. You cannot use any photos from this website as clip art or stock images without our prior consent, negotiated compensation, and licensing agreement. 

Can I syndicate your content? 

No. There are no exceptions.


Can we collaborate on an article or recipe?

If you are a chef, freelance writer, and/or artist, use our Contact Form. Include biographical information, your original proposal (including how it fits into the mission of Our American Cuisine), and links to your restaurant and/or creative work. 

Our American Cuisine will retain full ownership and copyright of any content published on the Site. Any content produced in collaboration cannot be published elsewhere in full or in part without our prior consent.

If you are a company or brand representative, note that we are not currently collaborating on posts that advertise, sell, or otherwise market goods and/or services.  

Can I pitch a recipe, article, or essay idea?

We are currently not accepting submissions for remunerated work. For collaborations, refer to the above question. 

Can you write about my product? 

No. Do not send us anything in exchange for coverage. 

Do you collaborate on giveaways, freebies, promotions, or corporate partnerships?


Can I advertise on your site?

We use a third-party service to manage advertisements. Do not contact us directly to place advertisements on our site.

Do you provide nutritional information about your recipes?

Yes. Please refer to our Nutrition Disclaimer


For any media inquiries, please use our Contact Form.